What is an LPG gas regulator?

In Australia, where the weather is ripe for barbequing, gas bottles are a common household fixture. But while most of us are familiar with gas bottles, LPG system components are another story. We’ll take a closer look at gas regulators — an essential component of the gas delivery system — in this Canstar Blue article.
What is LPG?
Let’s start simple — what is LPG? LPG stands for liquified petroleum gas. It’s the gas bottle you buy from the service station for barbequing, heating, camping and more. In Australia, LPG is propane gas, but in other countries, it may be a mix of propane and butane.
What is a LPG gas regulator?
LPG is stored in a liquid state in pressurised gas cylinders. When pressure is released, LPG becomes the safe gas used in your home. An LPG regulator is a small fitting usually supplied with your gas appliances, used to maintain a uniform flow and pressure of gas as it is released. It’s an essential component of safe LPG usage.
Gas appliances like BBQs have a specific pressure set by the manufacturer to ensure proper operation. LPG gas regulators ensure that your appliances are correctly pressurised for optimal and safe use.
What does a gas bottle regulator do?
So, what exactly happens when an LPG gas regulator is used? A gas regulator’s job is to reduce an LPG gas bottle’s pressure from 400 -1200kPa down to 2.75 kPa — the pressure needed to run gas appliances safely. While it’s common for the pressure in a gas bottle to change with temperature, LPG gas regulators must always maintain 2.75kPa.
It does this using a diaphragm and springs that adjust automatically to regulate pressure. Working with the LPG regulator diaphragm is the gas pressure vent, which needs to be unobstructed and working properly to ensure the proper functioning of the regulator.
Do you need an LPG regulator for a house?
In most cases, yes. An LPG cylinder is unsafe to use without one. LPG regulators ensure that the gas released from your gas bottle is at the right pressure. If it’s too low, there won’t be enough gas to power appliances. If it’s too high, it becomes unsafe to use. Contact your gas appliance supplier if you can’t find your regulator.
Connecting and disconnecting your LPG regulator
Remove the gas regulator from your cylinder by following these simple steps:
- Turn the gas valve hand wheel off by turning it clockwise.
- Turn the regulator hand wheel clockwise to remove the regulator from the bottle. You may see a small amount of gas in the regulator or hose release.
- Lift the bottle off the gas BBQ hook or shelf.
*Only applicable to BBQ gas bottles with POL fittings
Types of LPG gas regulators for houses
Gas regulars aren’t one-size-fits-all. Many kinds of regulators vary depending on the appliance and how you’ll be using the gas. There is a difference between a regulator for a large cylinder tank and one for a small BBQ. Here are the main gas regulators in Australia:
- Appliance regulator: Standard regulators as found on most gas appliances.
- Single-stage regulator: Suitable for small outdoor cooking appliances like gas BBQs.
- Twin-stage regulator: Twice-regulated pressure for applications requiring constant outlet pressure.
- Automatic changeover regulator: Once your main supply gas cylinder runs out, this twin-stage regulator automatically switches to the reserve.
- First- and second-stage regulators: Regulates the pressure in two stages. First-stage regulators are the primary means of pressure regulation on LPG bulk tanks. A second-stage regulator is installed to further reduce pressure following the first-stage regulation.
The good news is that a suitable regulator will most likely be fitted to your home or appliance.
Troubleshooting LPG gas regulators
When the weather’s right and you’re geared up for an outdoor feast, there’s nothing worse than a barbeque that won’t turn on. If your gas BBQ flames are too low or you’re having issues, it may be a regulator problem. Here are some common gas regulator problems LPG users may encounter:
No gas
If you’re not seeing a flame and your tank is full, your regular may be leaking. The easiest way to check for leaks is to see if you can detect a sulphurous smell. If there’s a smell coming from near the regulator, it’s time to replace it.
Low flame
If your regulator regularly gets stuck, it will limit gas flow, resulting in a lower flame. This could be another sign to replace your regulator.
Orange flame
An orange or yellow flame indicates incomplete combustion of the gas. First, check the hoses to ensure there are no obstructions. If there are no leaks or blockages, your regulator may need replacing.
What is a gas bottle fitting?
Regulators are just one piece of the LPG puzzle. Gas bottle fittings refer to all of the components needed to create a functioning gas system. It includes the regulator, pigtails, gas valve hand wheel, bleed screw, dip tube and pressure relief valve.
- Gas regulator: Gas regulators regulate the pressure at which LPG is delivered from gas bottles.
- Pigtails: Pigtails connect a gas cylinder to a regulator. They’re designed to transfer high-pressure gas from the bottle to the regulator.
- Gas valve hand wheel: Once the connection is secure, the gas valve hand wheel controls the gas flow.
- Bleed screw: The bleed screw helps with decant filling.
- Dip tube: A tube within the gas cylinder that helps indicate when a cylinder is full.
- Pressure relief valve: Used to relieve excess pressure caused by overfilling or excessive heat.
Do you need an LPG gas regulator in your home?
The right LPG regulator for your gas cylinder is essential to proper and safe operation. Without a regulator to reduce gas pressure, you could cause a gas leak and/or render your supply useless.
When installing LPG at home, a licensed technician will walk you through everything you need to know. They’ll provide you with a compliance badge or plate to certify the installation.
To compare a range of LPG home suppliers, follow the link below.’
Compare cheap gas deals
If you’re interested in comparing natural gas prices in your area, see some of the cheapest options available per state below:
Here are some of the cheapest gas deals on our database for NSW. These estimated annual costs are based on the Jemena Gas Network in Sydney and yearly gas usage of 18,800 MJ/year, but prices will vary depending on your own circumstances. The products are listed in order of lowest estimated price/year (including conditional discounts), then by the highest value rank (out of 10), then by highest brand satisfaction rating. These are products from referral partners†. Our database may not cover all deals in your area, and please check retailer websites for up to date information.
Advertiser Disclosure
Canstar Blue may earn a fee from its Online Partners for referrals from its website tables, and from sponsorship or promotion of certain products. Fees payable by product providers for referrals and sponsorship or promotion may vary between providers, website position, and revenue model. Sponsorship/promotion fees may be higher than referral fees. If a product is sponsored or promoted, it is an ad and it is clearly marked as such. An ad might appear in different places on our website, such as in comparison tables and articles. Ads may be displayed in a fixed position in a table, regardless of the product’s rating, price or other attributes. The location of an ad doesn’t indicate any ranking or rating by Canstar Blue. Payment of fees for ads does not influence Value Rank or Customer Satisfaction Ratings. See How We Get Paid to find out more.
General Disclosure – Energy
The data in the table is updated within 24 hours of Canstar Blue becoming aware of a change. You can find a description of the initial sort order below the table. You can use the sort buttons at the top of each column to re-order the display. Learn more about our Gas Value Rank Methodology.
Please note that the Satisfaction Rating displayed in the table is a rating relating to customers’ overall satisfaction with the brand. It should not be confused with an individual product rating. Learn more about Brand Satisfaction ratings and for more information on how the Brand Satisfaction ratings are calculated, read the Canstar Blue Most Satisfied Customers Methodology.
The results do not include all energy retailers or products in the market and may not compare all features relevant to you. Canstar Blue does not supply electricity or gas services. If you decide to apply for a particular energy product, you will deal directly with the retailer, not with Canstar Blue. Fees, charges, product information and contract terms should be confirmed directly with the relevant retailer.
Some plans may require you to meet certain conditions before a discount may become available to you. Check the energy provider’s plan information for details of all possible discounts that may apply and any conditions that need to be met for you to be eligible for these discounts.
Check your current plan’s exit fees and other termination provisions before changing providers.
Some plans may have a minimum term that is longer than one year. In that case the total cost over the term will be much higher than the estimated Price, which is for one year only. Consider the provider’s detailed product and pricing information before making a decision to take out a new plan or switch electricity providers.
Pricing Information
The price shown is inclusive of GST and is the estimated lowest possible price a representative customer would be charged in a year for each plan, assuming all conditions of discounts offered, if any, have been met. Gas usage assumptions have been derived from the average usages advertised by a selection of retailers in the distribution region as shown at the top of the table.
The general usage assumptions for products displayed in the table have been derived from:
- the average usages advertised by a selection of retailers in the distribution region as shown at the top of the table. The figures provided are intended to serve as general estimates and should be used for information only. If the amount of gas you actually use differs greatly from this estimate, your bill could be significantly larger or smaller than the estimated price/year listed for each plan; or
- if you have provided usage data from your gas bill, the estimated annual amount payable for this plan is based on your individual circumstances.
The estimated yearly Price is based on single rate tariffs, which is when a flat usage rate is charged for ‘blocks’ of gas consumed and could be a limited amount per day, month, quarter, which may include a second block with a different usage rate applied, or, season.
Some plans may have a minimum term longer than one year – in that case the total cost over the term will be much higher than the estimated yearly Price (which is only for one year).
Some plans may apply additional charges to the price shown. Always check the energy provider’s plan information for details of all charges that may apply.
What does the ‘phone’ mean?
By clicking on the number next to the phone icon, you will leave the Canstar Blue website and be connected with the call centre of the Online Partner’s brand that you have selected. You will be subject to that referral partner’s brand privacy policy and terms of use. You agree that Canstar Blue Referral Terms apply to this referral.
Here are some of the cheapest gas deals on our database for VIC. These estimated annual costs are based on the AGN – VIC network in Melbourne and yearly gas usage of 40,500 MJ/year, but prices will vary depending on your own circumstances. The products are listed in order of lowest estimated price/year (including conditional discounts), then by the highest value rank (out of 10), then by highest brand satisfaction rating. These are products from referral partners†. Our database may not cover all deals in your area, and please check retailer websites for up to date information.
Advertiser Disclosure
Canstar Blue may earn a fee from its Online Partners for referrals from its website tables, and from sponsorship or promotion of certain products. Fees payable by product providers for referrals and sponsorship or promotion may vary between providers, website position, and revenue model. Sponsorship/promotion fees may be higher than referral fees. If a product is sponsored or promoted, it is an ad and it is clearly marked as such. An ad might appear in different places on our website, such as in comparison tables and articles. Ads may be displayed in a fixed position in a table, regardless of the product’s rating, price or other attributes. The location of an ad doesn’t indicate any ranking or rating by Canstar Blue. Payment of fees for ads does not influence Value Rank or Customer Satisfaction Ratings. See How We Get Paid to find out more.
General Disclosure – Energy
The data in the table is updated within 24 hours of Canstar Blue becoming aware of a change. You can find a description of the initial sort order below the table. You can use the sort buttons at the top of each column to re-order the display. Learn more about our Gas Value Rank Methodology.
Please note that the Satisfaction Rating displayed in the table is a rating relating to customers’ overall satisfaction with the brand. It should not be confused with an individual product rating. Learn more about Brand Satisfaction ratings and for more information on how the Brand Satisfaction ratings are calculated, read the Canstar Blue Most Satisfied Customers Methodology.
The results do not include all energy retailers or products in the market and may not compare all features relevant to you. Canstar Blue does not supply electricity or gas services. If you decide to apply for a particular energy product, you will deal directly with the retailer, not with Canstar Blue. Fees, charges, product information and contract terms should be confirmed directly with the relevant retailer.
Some plans may require you to meet certain conditions before a discount may become available to you. Check the energy provider’s plan information for details of all possible discounts that may apply and any conditions that need to be met for you to be eligible for these discounts.
Check your current plan’s exit fees and other termination provisions before changing providers.
Some plans may have a minimum term that is longer than one year. In that case the total cost over the term will be much higher than the estimated Price, which is for one year only. Consider the provider’s detailed product and pricing information before making a decision to take out a new plan or switch electricity providers.
Pricing Information
The price shown is inclusive of GST and is the estimated lowest possible price a representative customer would be charged in a year for each plan, assuming all conditions of discounts offered, if any, have been met. Gas usage assumptions have been derived from the average usages advertised by a selection of retailers in the distribution region as shown at the top of the table.
The general usage assumptions for products displayed in the table have been derived from:
- the average usages advertised by a selection of retailers in the distribution region as shown at the top of the table. The figures provided are intended to serve as general estimates and should be used for information only. If the amount of gas you actually use differs greatly from this estimate, your bill could be significantly larger or smaller than the estimated price/year listed for each plan; or
- if you have provided usage data from your gas bill, the estimated annual amount payable for this plan is based on your individual circumstances.
The estimated yearly Price is based on single rate tariffs, which is when a flat usage rate is charged for ‘blocks’ of gas consumed and could be a limited amount per day, month, quarter, which may include a second block with a different usage rate applied, or, season.
Some plans may have a minimum term longer than one year – in that case the total cost over the term will be much higher than the estimated yearly Price (which is only for one year).
Some plans may apply additional charges to the price shown. Always check the energy provider’s plan information for details of all charges that may apply.
What does the ‘phone’ mean?
By clicking on the number next to the phone icon, you will leave the Canstar Blue website and be connected with the call centre of the Online Partner’s brand that you have selected. You will be subject to that referral partner’s brand privacy policy and terms of use. You agree that Canstar Blue Referral Terms apply to this referral.
Here are some of the cheapest gas deals on our database for QLD. These estimated annual costs are based on the AGN – QLD in Brisbane and yearly gas usage of 8,300 MJ/year, but prices will vary depending on your own circumstances. The products are listed in order of lowest estimated price/year (including conditional discounts), then by the highest value rank (out of 10), then by highest brand satisfaction rating. These are products from referral partners†. Our database may not cover all deals in your area, and please check retailer websites for up to date information.
Advertiser Disclosure
Canstar Blue may earn a fee from its Online Partners for referrals from its website tables, and from sponsorship or promotion of certain products. Fees payable by product providers for referrals and sponsorship or promotion may vary between providers, website position, and revenue model. Sponsorship/promotion fees may be higher than referral fees. If a product is sponsored or promoted, it is an ad and it is clearly marked as such. An ad might appear in different places on our website, such as in comparison tables and articles. Ads may be displayed in a fixed position in a table, regardless of the product’s rating, price or other attributes. The location of an ad doesn’t indicate any ranking or rating by Canstar Blue. Payment of fees for ads does not influence Value Rank or Customer Satisfaction Ratings. See How We Get Paid to find out more.
General Disclosure – Energy
The data in the table is updated within 24 hours of Canstar Blue becoming aware of a change. You can find a description of the initial sort order below the table. You can use the sort buttons at the top of each column to re-order the display. Learn more about our Gas Value Rank Methodology.
Please note that the Satisfaction Rating displayed in the table is a rating relating to customers’ overall satisfaction with the brand. It should not be confused with an individual product rating. Learn more about Brand Satisfaction ratings and for more information on how the Brand Satisfaction ratings are calculated, read the Canstar Blue Most Satisfied Customers Methodology.
The results do not include all energy retailers or products in the market and may not compare all features relevant to you. Canstar Blue does not supply electricity or gas services. If you decide to apply for a particular energy product, you will deal directly with the retailer, not with Canstar Blue. Fees, charges, product information and contract terms should be confirmed directly with the relevant retailer.
Some plans may require you to meet certain conditions before a discount may become available to you. Check the energy provider’s plan information for details of all possible discounts that may apply and any conditions that need to be met for you to be eligible for these discounts.
Check your current plan’s exit fees and other termination provisions before changing providers.
Some plans may have a minimum term that is longer than one year. In that case the total cost over the term will be much higher than the estimated Price, which is for one year only. Consider the provider’s detailed product and pricing information before making a decision to take out a new plan or switch electricity providers.
Pricing Information
The price shown is inclusive of GST and is the estimated lowest possible price a representative customer would be charged in a year for each plan, assuming all conditions of discounts offered, if any, have been met. Gas usage assumptions have been derived from the average usages advertised by a selection of retailers in the distribution region as shown at the top of the table.
The general usage assumptions for products displayed in the table have been derived from:
- the average usages advertised by a selection of retailers in the distribution region as shown at the top of the table. The figures provided are intended to serve as general estimates and should be used for information only. If the amount of gas you actually use differs greatly from this estimate, your bill could be significantly larger or smaller than the estimated price/year listed for each plan; or
- if you have provided usage data from your gas bill, the estimated annual amount payable for this plan is based on your individual circumstances.
The estimated yearly Price is based on single rate tariffs, which is when a flat usage rate is charged for ‘blocks’ of gas consumed and could be a limited amount per day, month, quarter, which may include a second block with a different usage rate applied, or, season.
Some plans may have a minimum term longer than one year – in that case the total cost over the term will be much higher than the estimated yearly Price (which is only for one year).
Some plans may apply additional charges to the price shown. Always check the energy provider’s plan information for details of all charges that may apply.
What does the ‘phone’ mean?
By clicking on the number next to the phone icon, you will leave the Canstar Blue website and be connected with the call centre of the Online Partner’s brand that you have selected. You will be subject to that referral partner’s brand privacy policy and terms of use. You agree that Canstar Blue Referral Terms apply to this referral.
Here are some of the cheapest gas deals on our database for SA. These estimated annual costs are based on the AGN – SA network in Adelaide and yearly gas usage of 14,800 MJ/year, but prices will vary depending on your own circumstances. The products are listed in order of lowest estimated price/year (including conditional discounts), then by the highest value rank (out of 10), then by highest brand satisfaction rating. These are products from referral partners†. Our database may not cover all deals in your area, and please check retailer websites for up to date information.
Advertiser Disclosure
Canstar Blue may earn a fee from its Online Partners for referrals from its website tables, and from sponsorship or promotion of certain products. Fees payable by product providers for referrals and sponsorship or promotion may vary between providers, website position, and revenue model. Sponsorship/promotion fees may be higher than referral fees. If a product is sponsored or promoted, it is an ad and it is clearly marked as such. An ad might appear in different places on our website, such as in comparison tables and articles. Ads may be displayed in a fixed position in a table, regardless of the product’s rating, price or other attributes. The location of an ad doesn’t indicate any ranking or rating by Canstar Blue. Payment of fees for ads does not influence Value Rank or Customer Satisfaction Ratings. See How We Get Paid to find out more.
General Disclosure – Energy
The data in the table is updated within 24 hours of Canstar Blue becoming aware of a change. You can find a description of the initial sort order below the table. You can use the sort buttons at the top of each column to re-order the display. Learn more about our Gas Value Rank Methodology.
Please note that the Satisfaction Rating displayed in the table is a rating relating to customers’ overall satisfaction with the brand. It should not be confused with an individual product rating. Learn more about Brand Satisfaction ratings and for more information on how the Brand Satisfaction ratings are calculated, read the Canstar Blue Most Satisfied Customers Methodology.
The results do not include all energy retailers or products in the market and may not compare all features relevant to you. Canstar Blue does not supply electricity or gas services. If you decide to apply for a particular energy product, you will deal directly with the retailer, not with Canstar Blue. Fees, charges, product information and contract terms should be confirmed directly with the relevant retailer.
Some plans may require you to meet certain conditions before a discount may become available to you. Check the energy provider’s plan information for details of all possible discounts that may apply and any conditions that need to be met for you to be eligible for these discounts.
Check your current plan’s exit fees and other termination provisions before changing providers.
Some plans may have a minimum term that is longer than one year. In that case the total cost over the term will be much higher than the estimated Price, which is for one year only. Consider the provider’s detailed product and pricing information before making a decision to take out a new plan or switch electricity providers.
Pricing Information
The price shown is inclusive of GST and is the estimated lowest possible price a representative customer would be charged in a year for each plan, assuming all conditions of discounts offered, if any, have been met. Gas usage assumptions have been derived from the average usages advertised by a selection of retailers in the distribution region as shown at the top of the table.
The general usage assumptions for products displayed in the table have been derived from:
- the average usages advertised by a selection of retailers in the distribution region as shown at the top of the table. The figures provided are intended to serve as general estimates and should be used for information only. If the amount of gas you actually use differs greatly from this estimate, your bill could be significantly larger or smaller than the estimated price/year listed for each plan; or
- if you have provided usage data from your gas bill, the estimated annual amount payable for this plan is based on your individual circumstances.
The estimated yearly Price is based on single rate tariffs, which is when a flat usage rate is charged for ‘blocks’ of gas consumed and could be a limited amount per day, month, quarter, which may include a second block with a different usage rate applied, or, season.
Some plans may have a minimum term longer than one year – in that case the total cost over the term will be much higher than the estimated yearly Price (which is only for one year).
Some plans may apply additional charges to the price shown. Always check the energy provider’s plan information for details of all charges that may apply.
What does the ‘phone’ mean?
By clicking on the number next to the phone icon, you will leave the Canstar Blue website and be connected with the call centre of the Online Partner’s brand that you have selected. You will be subject to that referral partner’s brand privacy policy and terms of use. You agree that Canstar Blue Referral Terms apply to this referral.
Here are some of the cheapest gas deals on our database for WA. These estimated annual costs are based on the ATCO network in Perth and yearly gas usage of 6,300 units/year, but prices will vary depending on your own circumstances. The products are listed in order of lowest estimated price/year (including conditional discounts), then by the highest value rank (out of 10), then by highest brand satisfaction rating. These are products from referral partners†. Our database may not cover all deals in your area, and please check retailer websites for up to date information.
Advertiser Disclosure
Canstar Blue may earn a fee from its Online Partners for referrals from its website tables, and from sponsorship or promotion of certain products. Fees payable by product providers for referrals and sponsorship or promotion may vary between providers, website position, and revenue model. Sponsorship/promotion fees may be higher than referral fees. If a product is sponsored or promoted, it is an ad and it is clearly marked as such. An ad might appear in different places on our website, such as in comparison tables and articles. Ads may be displayed in a fixed position in a table, regardless of the product’s rating, price or other attributes. The location of an ad doesn’t indicate any ranking or rating by Canstar Blue. Payment of fees for ads does not influence Value Rank or Customer Satisfaction Ratings. See How We Get Paid to find out more.
General Disclosure – Energy
The data in the table is updated within 24 hours of Canstar Blue becoming aware of a change. You can find a description of the initial sort order below the table. You can use the sort buttons at the top of each column to re-order the display. Learn more about our Gas Value Rank Methodology.
Please note that the Satisfaction Rating displayed in the table is a rating relating to customers’ overall satisfaction with the brand. It should not be confused with an individual product rating. Learn more about Brand Satisfaction ratings and for more information on how the Brand Satisfaction ratings are calculated, read the Canstar Blue Most Satisfied Customers Methodology.
The results do not include all energy retailers or products in the market and may not compare all features relevant to you. Canstar Blue does not supply electricity or gas services. If you decide to apply for a particular energy product, you will deal directly with the retailer, not with Canstar Blue. Fees, charges, product information and contract terms should be confirmed directly with the relevant retailer.
Some plans may require you to meet certain conditions before a discount may become available to you. Check the energy provider’s plan information for details of all possible discounts that may apply and any conditions that need to be met for you to be eligible for these discounts.
Check your current plan’s exit fees and other termination provisions before changing providers.
Some plans may have a minimum term that is longer than one year. In that case the total cost over the term will be much higher than the estimated Price, which is for one year only. Consider the provider’s detailed product and pricing information before making a decision to take out a new plan or switch electricity providers.
Pricing Information
The price shown is inclusive of GST and is the estimated lowest possible price a representative customer would be charged in a year for each plan, assuming all conditions of discounts offered, if any, have been met. Gas usage assumptions have been derived from the average usages advertised by a selection of retailers in the distribution region as shown at the top of the table.
The general usage assumptions for products displayed in the table have been derived from:
- the average usages advertised by a selection of retailers in the distribution region as shown at the top of the table. The figures provided are intended to serve as general estimates and should be used for information only. If the amount of gas you actually use differs greatly from this estimate, your bill could be significantly larger or smaller than the estimated price/year listed for each plan; or
- if you have provided usage data from your gas bill, the estimated annual amount payable for this plan is based on your individual circumstances.
The estimated yearly Price is based on single rate tariffs, which is when a flat usage rate is charged for ‘blocks’ of gas consumed and could be a limited amount per day, month, quarter, which may include a second block with a different usage rate applied, or, season.
Some plans may have a minimum term longer than one year – in that case the total cost over the term will be much higher than the estimated yearly Price (which is only for one year).
Some plans may apply additional charges to the price shown. Always check the energy provider’s plan information for details of all charges that may apply.
What does the ‘phone’ mean?
By clicking on the number next to the phone icon, you will leave the Canstar Blue website and be connected with the call centre of the Online Partner’s brand that you have selected. You will be subject to that referral partner’s brand privacy policy and terms of use. You agree that Canstar Blue Referral Terms apply to this referral.
This article was reviewed by our Utilities Editor Tara Donnelly before it was updated, as part of our fact-checking process.

- What is LPG?
- What is a LPG gas regulator?
- What does a gas bottle regulator do?
- Connecting and disconnecting your LPG regulator
- Types of LPG gas regulators for houses
- Troubleshooting LPG gas regulators
- What is a gas bottle fitting?
- Do you need an LPG gas regulator in your home?
- Compare cheap gas deals