Protecting Yourself Online


Canstar is committed to keeping you safe online, but there are also steps you can take to protect yourself:
  • Know the signs – learn more about the common tricks fraudsters use
  • Take the 5-point check to minimise your security risk.

Know the signs

  • There’s been a significant increase in the number of security scams
  • Knowledge is power – if you know what to look for you’re much more likely to spot a scam
  • The government has compiled a free resource that explains how to recognise and report scams
  • The government has also compiled a free resource that explains how to recognise and protect yourself against common security threats.

Take the 5 point check

1. Have your credentials been compromised?

  • Use this free tool to check whether your key details have already been compromised.

2. Do you have antivirus/anti-malware software on all your devices?

  • Antivirus/anti-malware is recommended to ensure your devices are less susceptible to security threats.

3. Is your software/browser up to date?

  • Make sure you’re using the latest software and operating systems. Don’t leave yourself open to security vulnerabilities that have been ‘patched’ in updates. Turn on notifications to automatically update your software/browser to ensure you receive these updates.

4. How secure is your password?

  • Make sure you are not using the same credentials for everything. If you’re struggling to remember multiple complex passwords, consider a password manager service.

5. Do you have multi-factor authentication (MFA) on your online accounts?

  • MFA makes it harder for scammers and hackers to steal your information and it’s relatively easy to set up. You can find more information about MFA and the set-up process at the Australian Government Cyber Security Centre.


For more tips on protecting your online presence, the  Australian Centre for Cyber Security has a helpful, free guide.