Compare Month to Month Mobile Plans Background

Compare Month to Month Mobile Plans

When it comes to choosing a phone plan, should you go for a monthly plan or a long-term contract? Canstar Blue compares month-to-month plans from a large range of mobile providers so you can easily find the option that suits you.

Data Insights Analyst
Utilities Editor
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iiNet | $25 Mobile Voice SIM Only
SIM-Only prepaid | 1 month recharge period
Award icon Outstanding Value - SIM Only Pre-Paid Glossary
min. total cost $12.50 spend over 1 month recharge
star star star empty empty
Brand Satisfaction Glossary
25GB Glossary
$12.50 Glossary
Discount included Tooltip icon
TPG | T4G Small Plan
SIM-Only prepaid | 1 month recharge period
Award icon Outstanding Value - SIM Only Pre-Paid Glossary
min. total cost $12.50 spend over 1 month recharge
star star star empty empty
Brand Satisfaction Glossary
25GB Glossary
$12.50 Glossary
Discount included Tooltip icon
Kogan | $20 Small Plan
SIM-Only prepaid | 1 month recharge period
min. total cost $10.00 spend over 1 month recharge
star star star empty empty
Brand Satisfaction Glossary
15GB Glossary
$10 Glossary
Discount included Tooltip icon
Yomojo | Unlimited + 8GB Prepaid
SIM-Only prepaid | 1 month recharge period
min. total cost $9.95 spend over 1 month recharge
Not yet rated
8GB Glossary
$9.95 Glossary
Discount included Tooltip icon
Moose Mobile | Moose 27GB SIM Only
SIM-Only postpaid | No lock-in contract
min. total cost $14.80 over 1 month period
star star star star empty
Brand Satisfaction Glossary
40GB Glossary
bonus data
Tooltip icon
$14.80 Glossary
Discount included Tooltip icon
Exetel | Saver 4G
SIM-Only prepaid | 30 days recharge period
min. total cost $20.00 spend over 30 day recharge
Not yet rated
10GB Glossary
$20 Glossary
FELIX | $25 Plan
SIM-Only prepaid | 1 month recharge period
min. total cost $12.50 spend over 1 month recharge
star star star star star
Brand Satisfaction Glossary
25GB Glossary
$12.50 Glossary
Discount included Tooltip icon
More Telecom | 12GB SIM Plan
SIM-Only postpaid | No lock-in contract
min. total cost $24.00 over 1 month period
Not yet rated
12GB Glossary
$24 Glossary
Aussie Broadband | Saver
SIM-Only postpaid | No lock-in contract
min. total cost $25.00 over 1 month period
star star star star empty
Brand Satisfaction Glossary
20GB Glossary
$25 Glossary
Yomojo | Unlimited + 25GB Prepaid
SIM-Only prepaid | 1 month recharge period
min. total cost $12.45 spend over 1 month recharge
Not yet rated
25GB Glossary
$12.45 Glossary
Discount included Tooltip icon

Showing 10 of 190 results

blue-star-rating Canstar Blue Brand Satisfaction Rating

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The initial results in the table above are sorted by Value Rank out of 10 (High-Low) , then Advertised Cost (Low-High) , then Provider Name (Alphabetical) . Additional filters may have been applied, which impact the results displayed in the table - filters can be applied or removed at any time.

What is a month-to-month plan?

A month-to-month phone plan is a type of SIM-only plan where you’re not locked into a contract with the provider and typically requires you to bring your own device. Month-to-month phone plans are generally post-paid; however, some prepaid plans have a monthly expiry period which would put them in the month-to-month category. 

The benefit to a month-to-month plan is that you have a bit more freedom if you want to jump ship to a new provider or plan after the month is up. This makes it ideal for those who aren’t sure what they need, or for those looking to experience what the market has to offer.

How much does a month-to-month phone plan cost?

A postpaid month-to-month phone plan can cost anywhere between $10 to over $100 per month depending on the plan and provider you sign up to. However, your phone bill can cost a bit more if you’re not careful. Any additional fees you incur, such as excess data charges, are generally added to your bill at the end of the following month, meaning it’s best to keep an eye on how much you’re actually using your phone.

Month-to-month prepaid plans can also vary in price, from around $20 and upwards, but these plans aren’t as common as their postpaid counterparts. Keep in mind that a prepaid month-to-month plan will require you to pay in advance for your plan and you will typically be unable to continue using any inclusions that you use up before your expiry period.

Which providers offer month-to-month plans?

The majority of postpaid phone plans are now offered as month-to-month plans, so typically you’ll find this style of plan available from most postpaid providers.

Some providers with month-to-month postpaid mobile plans available in Australia include:

There are many postpaid providers on the market offering month-to-month plans, so it helps to compare plans from a range of providers to help you find the best phone plan for you. If you want a bit more guidance, you can check out our award for Most Satisfied Customers award for Postpaid Mobile SIM Only to get an idea of how other Aussies rate their current provider.

Is a month-to-month plan right for me?

When it comes to choosing a phone plan, we’re certainly spoilt for choice with no shortage of providers and plan types available. Month-to-month plans fit the need for more flexibility without signing up to long contracts, while still offering plenty of value depending on what you need — and now most postpaid providers offer month-to-month plans by default. Those on a budget may find one of the smaller providers offering affordable month-to-month plans for around $10 a month, while those who need lots of data can also find something available, meaning month-to-month plans are certainly worth investigating.

However, as with any phone plan, it’s best to read the terms and conditions before signing up to avoid any surprises; but the good thing is that, if you don’t like your plan, you can always shop for a new one next month!

About our internet experts

TaraTara Donnelly: Utilities Editor

As Canstar Blue’s Utilities Editor, Tara Donnelly covers the internet, mobile and energy sectors – topics she’s spent a decade focused on, alongside consumer technology, within the comparison industry. Her telco expertise has seen her appear in national media including 9 News, 7 News, Sunrise, the ABC and The Sydney Morning Herald. You can follow Tara on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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Josh Filosi: Data Insights Analyst

Josh Filosi is Canstar’s Data Insights Analyst, and helps develop and deliver the methodology for Canstar Blue’s Value Rankings and Awards for the telco industry. He holds a double-major in Economics and Behavioral Science, and enjoys interpreting complex data. Connect with Josh on LinkedIn.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Month-to-month plans generally start from about $10 per month, and prices will increase based on the plan inclusions and any additional fees you might pay such as excess data charges.

In this day and age, the only major difference between prepaid and postpaid plans is whether you get charged before or after you use the service. There are plenty of great deals that fall into both categories and so the answer is that they’re pretty much on par in terms of cost.

Yes. In order to transfer your phone number from your previous mobile carrier it’ll need to be unlocked and then you can port your phone number to a different provider. For more information check out our helpful guide on porting your phone number. 

Most mobile carriers offer overseas calls, texts and roaming for an additional fee. You’ll need to check your plan’s details to see what is available to you when travelling.