Canstar Blue’s Fact-Checking Policy & Process


We take the accuracy of our content seriously. Our experienced Editorial and Research teams strive to ensure we’re providing up-to-date and helpful information in the balanced, considered fashion you’d expect from the trusted Canstar Blue brand.

That’s why we have a Fact-Checking Policy and a Fact-Checking Process in place. We value transparency too, which is why we make it available for you to read. When you see ‘Fact Checked’ on Canstar Blue’s pages, it means the content on that page has been through our fact-checking process. We hope it helps you compare with confidence.

Our Fact-Checking Policy and Fact-Checking Process are underpinned by Canstar Blue’s Editorial Code, which is followed by our Editorial Team

Our Fact-Checking Policy

  • We undertake to check the factual accuracy of all new and updated content before it’s published or republished. 
  • We undertake to scrutinise all data and sources to ensure they’re relevant and presented without bias. 
  • We undertake to display date stamps on content where possible so consumers know when content was written or most recently updated. 

Our Fact-Checking Process

  • Content is produced by specialists in the category, using up-to-date information from our own Research teams or from other reputable sources such as industry bodies, regulators and governments, or from brands and companies themselves where product information is used.  
  • Content is reviewed by an editor with expertise in the category, who double-checks facts and figures, ensures the information is up-to-date and helpful, and that sources are relevant and presented without bias. 
  • Content is approved for publishing by an editor with expertise in the category. 

We’re accountable

If you believe we have fallen short of these standards, you can contact the Canstar Blue team to bring an issue to our attention.

Meet our Editors

Canstar Blue has a number of editors who oversee areas of content. Meet our editors below.


Tara Donnelly – Utilities Editor

Tara Donnelly is Canstar Blue’s Utilities Editor, and has spent around a decade writing for telco comparison websites. She’s an expert in all things energy, phone & internet, including phone plans and how to find the best deal for your family. She loves to highlight the next best phone deals, while also flagging the things you need to be aware of. Tara also acts as a spokesperson for Canstar Blue.


Dean Heckscher – Site Editor

Dean Heckscher is Canstar Blue’s resident expert on all things automotive, health & fitness, streaming and more. Dean is also one of Canstar Blue’s customer research report producers, helping to turn complicated subjects into easily-digestible information for our readers. He’s passionate about helping consumers make better-informed purchase decisions on all manner of consumer goods and services.


Meet the rest of Canstar Blue’s Editorial Team.