
SA energy concessions and rebates

Fact Checked Fact Checked


  • Energy concessions are electricity bill rebate schemes conducted by the government on a state and/or federal level.
  • At the time of writing, there are six active concession schemes in South Australia.
  • Energy rebates are just one of many ways South Australians can reduce their energy bills.

South Australian households experiencing financial hardship may be entitled to assistance with their energy bills from the South Australian Government.

In this article, Canstar Blue lists current energy rebates in South Australia and how to access them.

What are energy concessions?

Energy concessions are government-run schemes offering eligible households bill support in the form of a credit or discount. Generally, energy concessions operate on a state or federal level, with different criteria for eligibility.

Who is eligible for electricity rebates in SA?

South Australians who are pensioners or concession card holders may be eligible for one or more energy rebates offered by the South Australian Government. Eligible Centrelink recipients are also provided with financial assistance in paying their energy bills.

Energy concessions and rebates in SA

Energy Bill Concession

For concession card holders or Centrelink recipients in South Australia, a concession is provided to help with the cost of energy bills.

Concession amount

Up to $274.85 per year.


  • South Australians must either hold a:
    • Pensioner Concession Card
    • DVA Gold Card
    • Low Income Health Care Card
    • Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
    • Alternatively, receive an eligible Centrelink payment
  • Applicants must not be living with someone earning more than $3,000 a year unless they get an allowance from Centrelink or are the applicant’s domestic partner/spouse/dependent

Applied to

Electricity and gas bills (including LPG).

How to apply

South Australians can apply for this concession online, either through the SA Gov website or by emailing a completed household concessions form to Concessions SA. Asylum seekers who fit the eligibility criteria can apply for this concession through their Status Resolution Support Service (SRSS).

Emergency Electricity Payment Scheme (EEPS)

The Emergency Electricity Payment Scheme (EEPS) provides financial support to South Australians struggling with paying their electricity bills.

Concession amount

Up to $800 is available once every two years.


  • Must have an existing electricity debt
  • Must be at risk of being disconnected or already disconnected

Applied to

Electricity bills.

How to apply

Contact a financial counselor, who will assess your eligibility for the EEPS before lodging an application on your behalf.

Cost of Living Concession (COLC)

The Cost of Living Concession is designed to help renters and homeowners with low incomes afford cost of living expenses such as water, electricity and gas bills. Note: the 2025-26 concession amounts will be published before July this year.

Concession amount

For the 2024-2025 financial year, eligible households will receive $255.60.


  • South Australians must either hold a:
    • Pensioner Concession Card
    • DVA Gold Card
    • Low-Income Health Care Card
    • Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
    • Alternatively, receive an eligible Centrelink payment
  • Fortnightly or annual income does not exceed:
    • Single: $912.70 per fortnight, $23,730.20 per annum
    • Single with children: $$966.90 per fortnight, $25,139.40 per annum
    • Partnered: $1,696.60 per fortnight, $44,111.60 per annum

Applied to

Electricity, gas and water bills.

How to apply

Applicants can find the application form by contacting Concessions SA or on the SA Gov website. Applications must be received by 31 December for that financial year.

Residential Park Resident Concession

The Residential Park Resident Concession is catered to concession card holders and Centrelink recipients who live in a residential or caravan park. It can be combined with the Cost of Living Concession. The value of the concession is indexed every financial year.

Concession amount

  • Up to $687.05 per year for owners
  • Up to $437.05 for tenants who pay for water and energy


  • South Australians must either hold a:
    • Pensioner Concession Card
    • DVA Gold Card
    • Low Income Health Care Card
    • Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
    • Alternatively, receive an eligible Centrelink payment (e.g. JobSeeker, parenting payment)
  • Live at the primary residence

Applied to

Electricity, water and sewerage bills.

How to apply

To receive this concession, applicants will need to download the application for Concessions Residential Park Residents form, complete and email to

Medical Heating and Cooling Concession

South Australian low-income residents who require heating/cooling due to a medical condition can receive a concession to help with air conditioner and heating costs.

Concession amount

$274.85 per year.


This concession is available to:

  • Concession card holders or Centrelink payment receivers have or are the parent/guardian of someone who has a medical condition affecting the ability to self-regulate body temperature.
  • Must use an air conditioning unit and provide evidence from a medical specialist that cooling and heating is required at the home to prevent worsening of the condition
  • Is fully or partially responsible for paying energy bills

Applied to

Electricity bills.

How to apply

Applicants will need to fill out a Medical Heating and Cooling Concession application form, which can be downloaded or sent by Concessions SA. The application form will need to be completed by a medical practitioner, then submitted via email to

Home Dialysis Electricity Concession

South Australians receiving home-based dialysis treatment should receive the Home Dialysis Electricity Concession to cover the electricity costs associated with running the dialysis machine.

Concession amount

$274.85 per year.


Any person undergoing dialysis treatment at home who has received approval from a South Australian health practitioner.

Applied to

Electricity bills.

How to apply

Applicants can find a Home Dialysis Concession Claim Form at the renal unit where treatment is received. The applicant and their South Australian health practitioner will both need to complete the form, then a renal unit staff member can process the application.

What else can I do to save on electricity bills in SA?

Government electricity rebates are one of many tools in your arsenal to help relieve you of the rising cost of living and avoid bill shock.

One other tool is to proactively compare electricity plans and providers. Knowing your options empowers you to find the best electricity deals for your unique circumstances.

Using Canstar Blue’s comparison tool, you can discover other plans with value-add bonuses such as sign-up bonuses, reward programs and guaranteed discounts rewarding you for switching to a new plan or retailer.

Compare energy deals

Here are some sponsored deals from the retailers on our database that include a link to the retailer’s website for further details. These are products from our referral partners†. These costs are based on the SA Power network in Adelaide but prices may vary depending on your circumstances. This comparison assumes general energy usage of 4011kWh/year for a residential customer on a single rate tariff. Please use our comparison tool for a specific comparison in your area and to see other products in our database that may be available. Our database may not cover all deals in your area. As always, check all details of any plan directly with the retailer before making a purchase decision.

Here are some of the cheapest published deals from the retailers on our database that include a link to the retailer’s website for further details. These are products from referral partners†. These costs are based on the SA Power network in Adelaide but prices may vary depending on your circumstances. This comparison assumes general energy usage of 4000kWh/year for a residential customer on a single rate tariff. Please use our comparison tool for a specific comparison in your area and to see other products in our database that may be available. Our database may not cover all deals in your area. As always, check all details of any plan directly with the retailer before making a purchase decision.

Image credits: myphotobank/

Kevin Goh
Senior Energy Writer
As a Senior Energy Writer at Canstar Blue, Kevin Goh's specialty lies in the comprehensive and concise coverage of all things electricity, gas and solar. With a Bachelor of Journalism and a Bachelor of Economics and International Relations from the University of Queensland, Kevin strives to demystify the ever-evolving energy sector for Aussies, familiarising them with the unfamiliar. He also has half a decade of experience as an SEO specialist in the comparison industry and as a professional content writer across numerous publications and digital agencies.

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