Victorian Energy Fact Sheets

Energy Price Fact Sheets Victoria

This page includes links to the energy price fact sheets for the electricity and gas plans in Victoria listed on Canstar Blue’s database. Click on the links below to jump to your retailer. By following a link from a product name, you will be directed to the relevant energy price fact sheet from that retailer.

To go back to comparing plans on Canstar Blue, use our electricity comparison tool below:

Why am I seeing these links?

Canstar Blue provides links to the energy price fact sheets on each retailer’s website in accordance with industry regulations as stipulated by the Essential Services Commission (ESC) of Victoria. These price fact sheets should provide high-level information on each retailer’s energy plans. The fact sheets help to educate consumers by empowering them to engage in the retail energy market and make more informed decisions.

Image source: Panimoni/Shutterstock

Energy Price Fact Sheets


  • Home Energy Plan (Citipower)


1st Energy


Alinta Energy

CovaU Energy



Energy Locals


GloBird Energy

Kogan Energy

Lumo Energy

Momentum Energy



Red Energy


Tango Energy

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