Cheapest Elec Brisbane

Cheapest electricity prices in Brisbane, QLD

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Key Points

  • Currently, GloBird Energy, Ovo Energy and Sumo offer the cheapest energy plans in South East Queensland.
  • Retailers may offer conditional discounts (e.g. pay-on-time discounts), but retailers are generally pivoting towards lower base rates and sign-up incentives.
  • Most energy plans are variable-rate plans, which means supply and usage rates could change at any moment (provided you’re given notice of the change).

To show you which providers are offering the cheapest electricity rates in South East Queensland, Canstar Blue has produced this cost comparison report, listing the cheapest energy plans from the providers in our database. See exactly how they stack up compared to the reference prices and each other.

The Brisbane area has seen an influx of new electricity providers in recent years following the deregulation of the market, and with industry changes now making it easier than ever before to compare your options, there could be some sizable savings out there for you.

Our cost calculations below are based on a specific postcode in Brisbane, so use the Canstar Blue comparison tool for a quote in your suburb. And read on for our detailed list of the cheapest electricity deals you’ll currently find for Queensland.

Electricity comparison for cheapest plans in Brisbane, QLD

Here are some sponsored deals from the retailers on our database that include a link to the retailer’s website for further details. These are products from our referral partners†. These costs are based on the Energex network in Brisbane but prices may vary depending on your circumstances. This comparison assumes general energy usage of 4600kWh/year for a residential customer on a single rate tariff. Please use our comparison tool for a specific comparison in your area and to see other products in our database that may be available. Our database may not cover all deals in your area. As always, check all details of any plan directly with the retailer before making a purchase decision.

Here are some of the cheapest published deals from the retailers on our database that include a link to the retailer’s website for further details. These are products from referral partners†. These costs are based on the Energex network in Brisbane but prices may vary depending on your circumstances. This comparison assumes general energy usage of 4600kWh/year for a residential customer on a single rate tariff. Please use our comparison tool for a specific comparison in your area and to see other products in our database that may be available. Our database may not cover all deals in your area. As always, check all details of any plan directly with the retailer before making a purchase decision.

What is the cheapest electricity provider in Brisbane, QLD?

According to the Canstar Blue database, GloBird Energy, OVO Energy and Sumo currently offer the cheapest energy plans in South East Queensland, leading the way from the big power companies.

To see what you can expect to pay from these electricity retailers, we’ve listed the cheapest plans below. Please note, these prices are based on the Energex network with a general energy usage assumption of 4600kWh/year. In instances where one provider may have multiple cheap offers, we show only one product with the lowest price estimate first. The reference price for this area is currently $2,066/year. Use our comparison tool for a specific comparison.

Glosave Residential (GloBird Energy)

Here is Glosave Energy’s plan on our database for SEQ. This is a product from a referral partner†. These costs are based on the Energex network in Brisbane but prices may vary depending on your circumstances. This comparison assumes general energy usage of 4600kWh/year. Please use our comparison tool for a specific comparison in your area. Our database may not cover all deals in your area. As always, check all details of any plan directly with the retailer before making a purchase decision.

The One Plan (OVO Energy)

Here OVO Energy’s plan on our database for SEQ. This is a product from a referral partner†. These costs are based on the Energex network in Brisbane but prices may vary depending on your circumstances. This comparison assumes general energy usage of 4600kWh/year. Please use our comparison tool for a specific comparison in your area. Our database may not cover all deals in your area. As always, check all details of any plan directly with the retailer before making a purchase decision.

Sumo Switch (Sumo)

Here is Sumo’s plan on our database for SEQ. This is a product from a referral partner†. These costs are based on the Energex network in Brisbane but prices may vary depending on your circumstances. This comparison assumes general energy usage of 4600kWh/year. Please use our comparison tool for a specific comparison in your area. Our database may not cover all deals in your area. As always, check all details of any plan directly with the retailer before making a purchase decision.

Best-Rated Electricity Providers QLD

More of the cheapest electricity plans in Brisbane, QLD

Everyone wants a cheaper deal when it comes to energy, but sometimes the cheapest possible plan just isn’t right for you. What if you’re looking for a particular product or plan type? Here are the cheapest plans from our database for customers looking for a specific product type, including plans from the big three, 0% discount plans, discounted plans, variable rate and fixed rate plans.

Cheapest Electricity Plan (Big 3 Provider) – AGL, Residential Value Saver – New to AGL

Here is AGL’s plan on our database for SEQ. These costs are based on the Energex network in Brisbane but prices may vary depending on your circumstances. This comparison assumes general energy usage of 4600kWh/year. Please use our comparison tool for a specific comparison in your area. Our database may not cover all deals in your area. As always, check all details of any plan directly with the retailer before making a purchase decision.

Cheapest Electricity Plan (No Discount) – Boost Residential (GloBird Energy)

Here GloBird Energy’s plan on our database for SEQ. This is a product from a referral partner†. These costs are based on the Energex network in Brisbane but prices may vary depending on your circumstances. This comparison assumes general energy usage of 4600kWh/year. Please use our comparison tool for a specific comparison in your area. Our database may not cover all deals in your area. As always, check all details of any plan directly with the retailer before making a purchase decision.

Cheapest Electricity Plan (Discounted) – Glosave Residential (GloBird Energy)

Here is GloBird Energy’s plan on our database for SEQ. This is a product from a referral partner†. These costs are based on the Energex network in Brisbane but prices may vary depending on your circumstances. This comparison assumes general energy usage of 4600kWh/year. Please use our comparison tool for a specific comparison in your area. Our database may not cover all deals in your area. As always, check all details of any plan directly with the retailer before making a purchase decision.

Cheapest Electricity Plan (Variable Rates) – Glosave Residential (GloBird Energy)

Here is GloBird Energy’s plan on our database for SEQ. This is a product from a referral partner†. These costs are based on the Energex network in Brisbane but prices may vary depending on your circumstances. This comparison assumes general energy usage of 4600kWh/year. Please use our comparison tool for a specific comparison in your area. Our database may not cover all deals in your area. As always, check all details of any plan directly with the retailer before making a purchase decision.

Cheapest Electricity Plan (Fixed Rates) – EnergyAustralia, Rate Fix Plan

Here is EnergyAustralia’s plan on our database for SEQ. These costs are based on the Energex network in Brisbane but prices may vary depending on your circumstances. This comparison assumes general energy usage of 4600kWh/year. Please use our comparison tool for a specific comparison in your area. Our database may not cover all deals in your area. As always, check all details of any plan directly with the retailer before making a purchase decision.

What about energy discounts in Queensland?

Energy discounts can help to bring down the cost of your bills, but it’s still important to understand exactly what you’re getting. Energy discounts are typically available for paying your bills on time or by direct debit, and some providers will give you money off for receiving all your communications by email instead of post, or for signing up online. Recent industry changes mean that electricity retailers have started to move away from big discounts and are instead moving towards lower base rates, as well as other sign-up incentives. Where discounts are still offered, they are generally only available for the first year or two after signing up, with the savings applied to both usage and supply charges.

Fixed vs variable rate plans

Most of the plans listed above are variable rate plans, meaning the prices you are charged can change at any time. Some retailers also offer fixed rate plans, whereby you can lock in competitive prices at sign-up and potentially save in the long run. Fixed rate plans are less common, usually only offered by select energy companies.

Other incentives

When it comes to weighing up your options, you should also consider any additional incentives offered by retailers, including the types of tariffs available in your area. These should not dictate your final decision, but they can be a helpful point of difference when looking at comparable energy plans. It’s common to find sign-up incentives like $50 bill credit when you join online, or even a month’s free energy.

Read more: What’s cheaper: Electricity or Gas?

Who is the cheapest electricity supplier with the highest rating in Brisbane, QLD?

Electricity rates in QLD change frequently, which means annual energy bills can differ by hundreds of dollars, depending on the specific rates you pay. Checking the usage and supply rates listed on a plan can help you determine if you’re getting a good deal. Supply rates are a daily charge for access to the grid, while usage rates reflect the actual amount of electricity you use.

Based on the winner of our electricity customer satisfaction ratings, here is an example of the rates you can expect to find in Brisbane, QLD.

Provider Red Energy
Plan Living Energy Saver
Usage Rate (per kWh) 31.88¢/kWh
Supply Rate (cents per day) 129.80¢/day
Difference from Reference Price 6% Less Than Reference Price
Conditional Discounts $100 VISA eGift Card
Estimated Annual Cost $1,941

Questions you should ask before signing up to an electricity plan

Here are some questions you should ask any prospective energy provider before signing up:

  • Are you offering me the plan with the lowest usage rates?
  • How much are the supply charges and how do they compare to other plans?
  • How does the plan compare to the reference price?
  • Is there a contract? How long is it? Are there any exit fees if I leave?
  • What discount can I get off my bill and how do I qualify for the discount?
  • What is the benefit term of the discount? Will it disappear after a year?
  • Can you offer me any additional sign-up incentives?

Even if you’re not switching, these are still good questions to ask your existing energy provider to make sure you’re currently getting the best deal possible.

New energy providers in Queensland

Historically, Queensland didn’t have as many competing electricity retailers as Victoria or New South Wales, but several providers have entered the market since it was deregulated. Including Red Energy, 1st Energy, Powershop and Alinta Energy. Most recently, Amber Electric, OVO Energy, Ampol Energy and Nectr have become the latest additions to the market, taking the number of residential electricity providers in South East Queensland to more than 20.

Cheapest energy providers with the highest ratings in Brisbane, QLD

Energy discounts help reduce your energy costs, and incentives are a nice bonus, but the most important thing to consider when selecting a plan is the overall value it offers you. It’s also worth considering other factors such as customer service, because no one wants to feel like they’re not being heard when you have a query or problem to raise.

That’s why Canstar Blue annually surveys households to find out how they rate their electricity provider in Queensland on important factors like value for money, customer service, and most importantly, overall customer satisfaction.

Compare Solar Electricity Providers

Original reporting by Jared Mullane
Image Source:

What is Queensland’s reference price?

$2,066/year based on general usage of 4600kWh/year

Number of energy providers in QLD


Winner of Canstar Blue’s Most Satisfied Customers – Electricity Providers QLD Award

Red Energy

QLD distribution networks

Energex for SEQ, Ergon Energy for regional QLD

QLD gas distribution networks

Allgas Energy, Australian Gas Networks

QLD electricity tariff options

Tariff 11 (single rate), Tariff 12 (time of use), Tariffs 31 and 33 (controlled load)

QLD electricity generation

Coal, gas turbine, wind, solar, hydro, bagasse 

Year QLD electricity market was deregulated


Katrina Hasdell
Energy Content Producer
Katrina Hasdell is an Energy Content Producer at Canstar Blue, where she covers Australia’s retail energy market. Katrina is dedicated to providing consumers with easy-to-read information on their energy options so they can get better deals on electricity, solar power and more.

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