Canstar Blue’s Editorial Code


Our Editorial Team abides by an Editorial Code that underpins our Fact-Checking Policy and Complaints Process. We do this so we can provide factual, up-to-date and well-researched comparison tables, ratings, reviews, guides, news and more on a range of consumer-related topics.

Canstar Blue has been helping Australian consumers make better-informed purchase decisions on products and services since 2010. Our focuses include Energy, Phones, Internet, Home Appliances and Streaming but we cover so many other types of product and service – in fact, more than 300 categories and almost 1,800 brands.

Our Editorial Code

  • We endeavour to be a source of high quality, unbiased content about consumer products and services. 
  • Our purpose is first to inform and educate, then provide a path to purchase if desired. 
  • We use reputable sources for information, data and images, and credit those sources clearly. 
  • We ensure content is balanced, offering a right of reply where required to provide that balance. 
  • We write about brands when we believe such content will help consumers make better-informed buying decisions. 
  • We include backlinks on our content where we believe it’s relevant and helpful to consumers or as part of negotiated commercial agreements. We don’t provide backlinks on request. You can read about our commercial agreements in our FAQs.
  • We offer our expert opinion on purchasing decisions where we believe it’s helpful and relevant to consumers.
  • We review all feedback we receive, amending our content where appropriate as a result. We can’t guarantee, however, to make amendments if we believe our content is factual and up to date.
  • We endeavour to correct inaccuracies identified by our Complaints Process in a timely fashion. 

An important note on our code

Canstar Blue has a skilled team of experienced journalists, content producers and subject matter experts who all lead their own lives outside of office hours. That might mean they express their views on topics other than consumer products and services on non-Canstar Blue platforms. Those views don’t represent the views of Canstar Blue. 

If you believe we have fallen short of our Editorial Code standards on Canstar Blue platforms, refer to our Complaints Process to learn how you can bring the issue to our attention.

Canstar Blue Research Team

Learn more about Canstar Blue’s Research Team

Canstar Blue’s editorial team is backed by our dedicated research team who provides the expertise that powers our Star Ratings and Awards, designed to help Australian consumers make more informed purchasing decisions.

Meet the Research Team