Canstar Blue’s Complaints Policy & Process Explained

Canstar Blue’s committed to the fair, efficient resolution of complaints. That’s why we’ve made sure that making a complaint is simple and easy. Read on for more information on the type of complaints we can handle, how you can find further information on our site that may resolve your complaint and how you can lodge a complaint with us.

Feedback on our editorial content

We’re keen to hear your comments and suggestions on our editorial content and website, which you can send to us at with the subject line: Feedback. 

An important note on complaints

If you have a complaint about your experience with a specific product or service that you wish to resolve, we suggest that you contact the brand in question or the relevant regulator or ombudsman. Canstar Blue can’t mediate individual complaints between consumers and brands arising from the purchase of products or services.

It’s important that you know, too, that while Canstar Blue is a sister company to Canstar, Australia’s biggest financial comparison website, questions and complaints related to Canstar should be addressed through Canstar’s Complaints Process.  

Our Frequently Asked Questions

Canstar Blue publishes expert research, reviews, guides, news, features and more on a range of consumer-related topics including Energy, Phones, Internet, Home Appliances and Streaming. That means we receive a lot of questions! We answer the most common questions and complaints we receive on our FAQs page, so please check there to see if we’ve addressed your issue before lodging a complaint.

How to lodge a complaint with Canstar Blue

You can lodge your complaint by email, or by sending us a letter. 

Email: with subject line: Complaint

Phone: (61+) 407 399 541

Post: Canstar Blue Enquiries, Level 21, Suncorp Plaza, 143 Turbot St, Brisbane City QLD 4000

What should I include in my complaint?

When lodging your complaint, please include:

  • your name and contact information
  • details of your complaint, ensuring you provide sufficient information to allow us to fully assess it
  • details of any prior contact with us in relation to your complaint, such as who you contacted and when
  • Details of any brand, industry body, regulator or government you may have also contacted in relation to your complaint.

We may request additional information from you to ensure we properly understand and address your complaint. 

How will my complaint be handled?

  • We’ll respond to you as soon as possible to acknowledge receipt of your complaint 
  • We’ll record the details of your complaint and check whether it’s:
    • an issue we’re able to address
    • addressed by our existing Editorial, Commercial, Research or other policies
  • If your complaint is addressed by one of our existing policies, we’ll provide you with further information on that policy
  • If your complaint is about an issue we can address but isn’t addressed by one of our existing policies, we’ll refer your complaint to our specialist Editorial, Commercial, Research or other teams to further investigate
  • We’ll endeavour to respond to your complaint with further information as soon as possible, and within 30 days at the latest
  • We’ll explain our findings and how we propose to resolve your complaint.

What if I’m unhappy with your proposed resolution?

If you’re dissatisfied with how we propose to resolve your complaint, you can respond with a detailed explanation of your continued concerns. Your complaint will then be escalated to our Compliance Manager for further review. 

What if I need help to lodge my complaint?

Let us know by email or letter if you think you’ll need assistance to lodge your complaint and we’ll work with you to ensure you’re able to do so at the earliest opportunity.