Last updated: 2022
The criteria that are rated vary depending on the category. They typically include overall satisfaction and value for money, while other criteria are included as appropriate to the research subject. For example, customer satisfaction ratings for a retailer might include criteria such as service and range, while ratings for a refrigerator may include criteria such as reliability and quality.
The winner in each product or service category is the brand that receives the highest overall satisfaction rating once the scores from all respondents to the overall satisfaction question are combined and averaged.
If a clear leader still cannot be determined from the supporting criteria, joint winners will be declared. For each criterion, any brand that receives an average score of six out of 10 or higher receives at least three stars and any brand that scores lower than an average score of six out of 10 receives one or two stars.
Rating results are comparative and the ratings table is first sorted by overall satisfaction star ratings results, and then by mean overall satisfaction score. Note: previous years’ star ratings information can be found in the Past Research section at the end of each Customer Satisfaction Ratings page.
This methodology and the many others Canstar Blue uses to conduct it’s in-depth consumer research are managed by Canstar Blue’s in-house Research Team. They provide the expertise that powers our Star Ratings and Awards, designed to help Australian consumers make more informed purchasing decisions.
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