Megan Birot

Megan Birot was a content producer and editor at Canstar Blue for two years until 2023, most recently as Home & Lifestyle Editor. She has a Bachelor of Journalism and Public Relations from Griffith University.

LG A9 Reviewed

LG A9 Handstick Vacuum Review

Posted by March 24th 2023

Cordless handstick vacuums are the future of vacuuming and make the dreaded household chore an easier task, with LG one of the brands leading the revolution. Along with Dyson, LG is putting an end to corded vacuum cleaners …

guide to sunscreen for babies

A guide to sunscreen for babies

Posted by August 15th 2022

Everyone loves a family day out at the beach or park. But how can you make the littlest ones stay sun safe? Find out more at Canstar Blue.

A guide to sunscreen for dogs and cats

A guide to sunscreen for dogs and cats

Posted by August 15th 2022

We all know how important it is for us to keep sun safe. But what about our pets? Canstar Blue compares sunscreen options for cats and dogs.

mozzie bands guide

Do mosquito bands really work?

Posted by September 14th 2022

Mosquito repellent wristbands have quickly become a popular alternative to smelly, sticky insect repellent sprays. But do they work? Find out more at Canstar Blue.

Homemade Laundry Detergent

DIY laundry detergent: Does it wash up?

Posted by September 12th 2022

Making your own cleaning products can help you save money and the environment. But does DIY laundry detergent really scrub up? Find out at Canstar Blue.