Dishwashers are considered an essential appliance for many Aussies nowadays but while they save time, do they save water? Dishwashers have improved a lot in water efficiency over the years but with so many options out there, it can be difficult to know which models will save you on your water bill and which could add unwanted dollars to your quarterly payments. Read on to find out how much water a dishwasher uses.
- Dishwashers are rated using the Energy Star Rating and Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme.
- Depending on how often you need to handwash your dishes and your sink size, it could be more water efficient to use a dishwasher instead.
- You can compare water efficient dishwasher models using our comparison tool.
Dishwasher water usage
On average, a 6-star rated dishwasher uses 9.5L of water per cycle and a 3-star dishwasher uses 17L per cycle. Different models of dishwashers will have different water usage for each wash setting. An intensive or ‘heavy’ wash will use more water, while an eco-wash is designed to use less water and be more efficient.
Water efficiency explained
Having a water efficient dishwasher is all well and good, but how do you know which dishwasher has better rated water efficiency? The simple answer is labels. Home appliances – particularly ones like dishwashers and fridges – have star-rating labels that tell you the model’s energy and water efficiency rating. These ratings help indicate how much the appliance will contribute to your utilities bills. The lower the star rating, the less energy or water efficient the appliance is.
The two main labels you can find on a dishwasher are the Energy Rating Sticker and the government initiative Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme (WELS) label. Both labels work on a six-star rating scale and each indicate how much water is used per load and the amount of energy used in a year. The most efficient dishwashers under this scheme use half the amount of water as an average model on the market, saving you money and offering peace of mind.
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Hand washing vs dishwasher: which uses more water?
A standard capacity kitchen sink is 22L, and let’s say you half fill your sink twice a day to wash the equivalent of a half dishwasher load of dishes. You’re looking at potentially 22L of water used in a single day to hand wash dishes. A dishwasher on the other hand will use a maximum 17L per cycle depending on its star rating for water efficiency and the setting used for the wash. When you compare 17L to 22L, a dishwasher definitely comes out above hand washing for water efficiency, making it a more environmentally conscious alternative, as well as saving you time and effort.
Are water efficient dishwashers worth it?
If you compare running your dishwasher once per day to doing multiple loads of dishes in the sink throughout the day, a dishwasher is typically the more water efficient option. While some items, such as pots and pans, still require a wash in the sink, most kitchen items are now dishwasher safe. A dishwasher is a sizable investment up front, but you’ll see the return when you save on your quarterly water bills. If you’re looking for a water and energy efficient dishwasher, check out our comparison tool below.
Compare Dishwashers With Canstar Blue
Original Author: Lucinda Gall
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