Humidifier Buying Guide

Humidifier Buying Guide

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A humidifier is a great appliance to bring out when the temperature starts to drop and the air gets drier. This appliance can help relieve a number of cold and flu symptoms, as well as other physical discomforts. While humidifiers are most commonly brought out during the cooler months, the air conditioning can take its toll on your skin and immune system in the Aussie summer as well, making humidifiers a truly year-round appliance. Learn all you need to know about humidifiers with this Canstar Blue guide.

What does a humidifier do?

A humidifier is a device that helps to maintain moisture either in a room or the entire home. Benefits of using a humidifier include:

  • Assisting to relieve colds, asthma and allergy symptoms
  • Reduces static electricity in the air so you don’t get a static shock when you sit on the couch
  • Helps soothe dry or itchy skin
  • Helps ease intensity of snoring sound
  • Retains heat inside the home with moist air, which can also reduce electricity costs from heating
  • Helps to protect wooden floors, furniture and musical instruments from cracking

How do humidifiers work?

There are multiple types of humidifiers, all working in different ways. Here are some common types of humidifiers and how they function:

  • Evaporative cool-mist humidifier: uses a fan to blow dry air through a wet filter, which then causes water to evaporate into the air. This is the most common type of humidifier.
  • Ultrasonic cool-mist humidifier: uses a small metal diaphragm that vibrates, converting the water into a fine vapour. These can sometimes leave a white powder of dissolved minerals around the unit but it’s not harmful and can be minimised by using distilled water. These are suggested for warm/dry areas.
  • Warm-mist humidifier: heats water to boiling temperature and then mixes the steam with air. These are suggested for use in cool/dry areas as they can make the room a little warmer.

Who sells humidifiers?

A number of brands offer humidifiers in Australia. These include Vicks, Beurer, Philips, Ionmax, and Dimplex.

Vicks Humidifier

Vicks Humidifier

Vicks, a brand well-known for its famous VapoRub, stocks a wide range of health and wellbeing products. It looks to support consumer health with innovative air quality technology, which includes a range of humidifiers.

The Vicks Starry Night humidifier is offered in multiple colours and hosts a wide tank opening for easy refills and cleaning. It features the Vicks ‘VapoPad’ for a soothing vapour and is specifically designed for children with a star pattern effect. This model will set you back around $90.

Beurer Humidifier

Beurer Humidifier

Beurer have been developing health and wellbeing products for over 100 years, starting business in 1919. Beurer offers a number of humidifiers that are specifically designed to operate in both small and large rooms.

The Beurer LB88 Air Humidifier features a high humidity output and innovative water vaporisation technology for a hygienic mist. It can cover a room of up to 48m² and features a control dial that allows you to change the evaporation output. This model will cost you around $250.

Philips Humidifier

Philips Humidifier

Philips is focussed on improving health and wellbeing through technological innovation. Its humidifier design aims to free your home from dry air, for a healthy body and optimal immune system.

The Philips 2000 Series Humidifier will fill your home with comfortable clean air. This model is equipped with NanoCloud technology to humidify with no white dust or wet spots, and less bacteria. Its Smart Sensors will ensure even air distribution throughout your room. This humidifier will set you back around $250.

Ionmax Humidifier

Ionmax Humidifier

Ionmax focusses on the wellness of Australians through its pioneering of air quality treatment technology. It offers a wide range of humidifiers, air purifiers, dehumidifiers, and other air treatment solutions.

The Ionmax ION90 Humidifier is packed with features such as various modes – baby/atopy, common cold, sleep and auto-mode. It also hosts room coverage of up to 30m² and a demineralisation filter that softens water by removing additives and dissolving mineral salts. This model will cost you around $300.

Dimplex Humidifier

Dimplex Humidifier

Dimplex have been a trusted name in electric heating for over 70 years. It produces a range of cooling and heating products and some combined options, including heaters that are stocked with humidification capability.

The Dimplex 2kW Ceramic Heater is equipped with a 1.6L water tank and a brushless motor. This versatile appliance features manual controls, an oscillating function, and multiple speed/heat settings. This model will cost you around $100.

How much does a humidifier cost?

The price of a humidifier depends heavily on design, size, brand, and other additional features. Cheaper humidifiers can be purchased for around $10, while more expensive models may cost more than $350.

Features to look for in a humidifier

There are a number of features to consider when purchasing a humidifier, including:

  • Noise levels: Generally humidifiers sit under 45dB, which is as quiet as a human whisper, but if you’re a light sleeper, it’s best to look for the quietest model.
  • Safety features: Mould can grow in parts of the appliance, so looking into additional features that reduce mould and bacteria build up can help keep bugs and allergies at bay.
  • Design: You’ll want a machine that’s easy to clean and refill, and have handy controls to be easily used when the weather it taking it out of you.
  • Features: Additional extras such as auto shut off when water is emptied and multiple settings can help you get the most out of your humidifier.

Purchasing a humidifier

While there are a number of benefits that come with purchasing a humidifier, there are also a variety of things you must consider before taking the leap. One of the main downsides of a humidifier is the regular cleaning required to ensure no growth of bacteria or mould. Certain models, such as the evaporative cool-mist humidifiers, also use filters and demineralisation cartridges that require replacing. It would be wise to factor in how often you’ll use the machine and the additional cost you’d incur from replacing these.

Humidifiers are claimed to relieve the downsides of dry air – congestion, sore throats and dry skin. They aim to weigh down dust and allergens, making it difficult for viruses to survive, and are especially useful during the winter months. As there is a wide range available, look at how much moisture the humidifier pumps out, as well as the area it covers before jumping into a purchase decision. To learn more, check out some of Canstar Blue’s best-rated humidifiers.

Best-Rated Humidifiers

Original Author: Veronika Hleborodova

Kate Lockyer
Kate Lockyer is a content producer for Canstar Blue’s Consumer team. She holds a Bachelor of Journalism from the University of Queensland and worked on content for a variety of organisations, including 4ZZZ and family social services. You can follow Kate on LinkedIn.

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